Hits Around the World
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Friday, April 4, 2008
Free MP3 of the Day 2
Autechre, 'Altibzz': Free MP3 of the Day

Autechre, 'Altibzz': Free MP3 of the Day

IDM connoisseurs Rob Brown and Sean Booth are among the undisputed leaders of abstract music. Their albums as Autechre are typically chaotic, abrasive, and unimaginably intricate, but those not familiar with the group's sound need not fear. Amidst the electronic manipulations of all those clicks, bleeps, and whacks, Booth and Brown create a dense and rhythmic soundscape that fits any situation. Download free MP3 now!

Nina Simone, 'Revolution': Free MP3 of the Day

Nina Simone, 'Revolution': Free MP3 of the Day

Simone worship is common among softcore jazz-soul-poppers, but they tend to gloss over her firebrand side. "Protest Anthology" presents Simone as the edgy and outspoken singer she was, collecting several of her fiercest cuts. Few have ever combined preaching and crooning so deftly. Download free MP3 now!

Black Mountain, 'Tyrants': Free MP3 of the Day

Black Mountain, 'Tyrants': Free MP3 of the Day

Vancouver's Black Mountain takes dirty heavy-metal guitar stylings that would do Tony Iommi proud and combines them with hypnotic pacing and lyrics that are more along the lines of intergalactic incantations. It all adds up to an intoxicating brew--the soundtrack to an alien abduction. Download free MP3 now!